This web page was produced as an assignment for Gen677 at UW-Madison Spring 2009

Sirturin Family of enzymes

The Sirtuin family of histone deacetylases is a family of 7 proteins that all of them except SIRT 4 have been shown to have deacetylase activity.  This family of proteins has been found from bacteria to humans (North et al, 2004)  and all contain the typical Sirturin domain.  Each enzyme locates to a specific part of the cell for example SIRT3,4,5  localizes to the mitochondria in human cells, while SIRT1,6,7 localize to the nucleus and SIRT2,and occasionally SIRT1,  localizes to the cytoplasm.  These class of enzymes have really become interesting due to there role in aging and numerous age related disease like diabetes and nerodegenerative diseases.  

  Photo retrived from Denu lab

Mark Devries
Email [email protected]
last updated 1/22/09