This web page was produced as an assignment for Gen677 at UW-Madison Spring 2009

Sirturin reaction

In the class of histone deacetylases there are 3 main classes known simple as class I, II, III.  Each of these classes of deacetylases containe there own specific enzymes and one thing that sets them apart from each other is there sequence simularity and domain organization to each other.  But another key difference is how the different class of enzymes perform the deacetylation reaction.  The reaction of removing acetyl groups is done on lysine residues of either proteins or histone tails and these reaction can occur on protein in cytoplams, mitocondriha and nucleus. What sets these reactions apart is the fact that Class I/II enzymes are zinc dependent deacetylase enzymes and only require water to perform the deacetylation reaction.  While Class III enzymes which consist of the Sirtuins, require NAD+ to remove acetyl groups and they also give rise to two products one is nicotinamide and O-AADPR.

Mark Devries
Email [email protected]
last updated 1/22/09